Sunny Deol, the beloved Bollywood actor, has been juggling his professional commitments and family time with grace. Recently, he announced the much-anticipated sequel to his 1997 hit, Border 2, which has excited fans across the country. Along with the announcement, the cast of the film was also revealed, promising another thrilling cinematic experience. Despite his busy schedule and the demanding nature of the film industry, Sunny has made it a point to take some time off for a vacation with his parents.
In a video shared on Instagram, Sunny can be seen enjoying a fun-filled day with his mother, Prakash Kaur, in a snowy landscape. The heartwarming clip shows the actor indulging in some hot jalebis, a popular Indian sweet, while being surrounded by snow—a perfect blend of warmth and chill. He captioned the video with a touching note, “My motivation: Time should be as easy as possible with Mother Earth,” reflecting his deep bond with his mother and his desire to make the most of their time together.
Sunny’s brother, Bobby Deol, also chimed in on the post, adding his own lighthearted comment, which highlighted the strong family bond they share. The video not only gave fans a glimpse into Sunny’s personal life but also added a layer of warmth to his otherwise action-packed persona. As Sunny Deol prepares for the release of Border 2 and other projects, it’s evident that family remains a central part of his life, providing him with the strength and motivation to excel in both his personal and professional endeavors.